Friday, 8 February 2013

Daily Calorie Intake

How Many Calories Should I Eat a Day

To be in shape and yet enjoy our daily meal is a tough task for many. Calorie is the word which we all are aware of. To perform daily activities we need right amount of calories. However, over dose of calories can lead to excess body weight. Now you might be thinking how many calories should I eat a day to get the perfect body weight. Read more of this article to know your daily intake of calories. On the following factors your daily intake of calories depend-
Weight, height, age group, your daily activity levels and whether you want to gain weight or lose those extra pounds. Once you understand the factors you can easily achieve your goal.
To have perfect weight you need to maintain a balance between calories you intake and calories you expend. To calculate how many calories should I eat a day can easily be measured through online calorie calculator. Online calorie calculator helps you provide a breakdown of daily intake of calories and grams which are required from your daily meals. to Doctors, a person who performs 30 minutes or less of a daily workout regime, the number of calories should be consumed-
Children under the age group of 2-3 years should intake1000 calories.
Children under the age group of 4-8 years should intake1200-1400 calories
For Girls of age 9-13 years old group 1600 should be the daily intake of calories whereas in case of boys of 9-13 years old group 1800 calories is perfect to maintain the right weight.
Girls under the age group of 14- 18 require 1800 calories daily and Boys of the same age group require 2200 calories. The daily intake of calories continues to rise until both men and women reach the age group of 50 or above. For women above 50 years of age require 1600 calories and for men 2000 calories are enough to maintain the perfect body weight. After reading the above daily calorie intake chart you can clearly understand how many calories should I eat daily.
To lose weight a first thing you should know is your daily consumption of calories once you are aware of your daily consumption you can easily cut down on extra calories which means you need to maintain a healthy diet plan with daily workout regime.
To lose 1 pound in a week a person need to burn 500 calories in a day. And to lose 500 calories in a day is a safe way to lose extra pounds. To lose 500 calories you need to check on the food and food labels you consume. With the right calories that you need per day, you can answer the following question easily- how many calories should I eat daily?
The simple way to lose weight is to make healthy changes in your diet and practice at least 30 minutes of daily exercise routine. After following this golden lose extra pounds rule you will never find trouble with how many calories should I eat daily to have perfect weight.

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